On-line Ordering on Your Website

We are very happy to introduce our StampnGo On-line Ordering Widget (OOW) that you can implement in your website with just 5 lines of code!

Preordering in StampnGo
On-line ordering widget

Your brand

The widget allows customers to order directly from your website and track the order in StampnGo app. Your existing website immediately turns into a e-commerce store with just 5 lines of code!

StampnGo technology

All orders from StampnGo apps and the widget on your website appear in your Merchant app. That makes the process of receiving the orders easier, more convenient and transparent.


You can implement the widget to any place on your website with just 5 lines of code. Contact us via support@stampngo.com for more details!

Try it now

StampnGo is a free-to-play platform so you can try the approaches above for free and see how it can help you business.

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